Establishment of of a Subsidiary Societe Anonyme

P.P.A. S.A. Board of Directors, following the proposal of the BoD President and Managing Director Mr George Anomeritis, unanimously decided the establishment of a Subsidiary Societe Anonyme, under the title "Ship Repair services P.P.A. SA (NAYS P.P.A SA)
This company initially founded by P.P.A. SA after its establishment is bound to increase its share capital so as to include all those providing services in the ship repair sector and intend to activate through it.
The company which was a long requirement of the Ship Repair Zone professional and unions, fills the big gap of the coordination of sector's dispersed and small capacity companies and will act as a catalyst and multiplier of the Ship Repair Zone capabilities.
In accordance with a study that is being updated, PPA SA will concede to the company all its current responsibilities and installations that will operate in a new business environment for the benefit of P.P.A.SA, the Ship Repair Zone enterprises and personnel. P.P.A. SA intends to proceed immediately to the construction of new modern PANAMAX floating dock, which will be installed in Perama, in order to provide ship repair services for the needs of the port. As Mr. George Anomeritis pointed out, "it is inconceivable worldwide to have a port without a ship-repair base. By installing the new dock, the old dry docks in the Central port which are in operation for a couple of centuries with severe environmental impact, will be abandoned. The new dock will provide maintenance and repair services and not shipbuilding, as the Company estimates that the shipbuilding installations in Perama, Skaramanga and Elefsis are sufficient.
In accordance to Mr George Anomeritis proposal to the BoD, the company will undertake:
a. The organization, development and management of every issue or service relating to the Ship repair activities and the companies of the zone.
b. The commercial promotion of services and products in the international market.
c. The promotion of the Ship repair Zone public relations and sales policies.
d. The provision of docking, towing, salvage and any other Port services.
e. The promotion of financial, investment and insurance issues to the domestic and international providers.
f. The development (with lease or concession) of port installations, where exclusively Ship repairing enterprises will be activate.
g. The provision of support services, development, substantiation, I.T, etc. to all providers of ship repair services.
h. The continuous upgrade and development of all P.P.A.SA. land and floating assets.
i. Any other actions required for the promotion of the business of the Zone and its reputation.
The proposal of Mr. George Anomeritis to the BoD is available at the Company's website www.olp.gr.