Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting

The Company in accordance with the article of Athens Exchange Regulation announces that on Monday 7/12/2009 took place in its headquarters Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of PPA S.A.
In the General Meeting were present 30 shareholders representing 18.690.744 shares out of 25.000.000 shares or percentage 74,76% of issued share capital.
The regular General Meeting after discussion took the following decisions:
Approved the modification of article 7, par. 7 (a) and (c) of the Company's Association.
Accepted the BoD members resignations that had been placed at the Main Shareholders disposal and elected new Board of Directors members, which consists of: Anomeritis Georgios, Moustakis Nikolaos, Papadopoulos Georgios, Papailias Nikolaos, Zisimopoulos Aggelos, Korres Alkiviadis, Nakis Nikolaos, Tsiridis Georgios, Georgiou Vasileios, Moustaki Eirini, Balabanidis Eustratios, Nouhoutidis Georgios, Fassoulas Panagiotis
The General Μeeting decided to assign to Mr. Anomeritis Georgios duties of President of the Company's BoD and CEO and approved his contract with the Company.
Mr. Nakis Nikolaos and Mr. Papadopoulos Georgios were appointed as independent members.
An Audit committee was elected in accordance with Law 3693/2008.