Press Release

The companies EYATH SA, EYATH SERVICES SA and COSMOLINE SA signed a memorandum of cooperation aiming at their strategic partnership for their common presence in the market of the installation of a fibre optic network and the supply of electronic communications by means of this network, first in Greece / Thessaloniki / in the area where EYATH?s (water supply and sewerage) network extends. This will be achieved by setting up a new company as well as by allocating premises managed by EYATH for the installation of WiMAX systems by COSMOLINE.
The companies commit themselves to prepare and evaluate the final business plan and take decisions on the execution of the project until the end of August 2009. The works of the installation of WiMAX systems are scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2009 while the works of the fibre optic network are scheduled to begin in the second half of 2010.