
Piraeus Port Authority S.A. in accordance to the provisions of unit of the Athens Exchange Regulation, informs investors that, tax audit was carried out and completed for the financial years from 2003 up to 2007. According to the tax audit results, additional tax charges per financial year are presented below.
1 The tax result for the financial year 2003, amounted to euro 1.128.400, and is analyzed in main taxes of euro 542.500 and additional taxes of euro 585.900.
2. The tax result for the financial year 2004, amounted to euro 945.980, and is analyzed in main taxes of euro 507.500 and additional taxes of euro 438.480.
3. The tax result for the financial year 2005, amounted to euro 618.624, and is analyzed in main taxes of euro 432.000 and additional taxes of euro 186.624.
4. The tax result for the financial year 2006, amounted to euro 485.576, and is analyzed in main taxes of euro 377.000 and additional taxes of euro 108.576.
5. The tax result for the financial year 2007, amounted to euro 343.200, and is analyzed in main taxes of euro 300.000 and additional taxes of euro 43.200.
The total income tax that resulted from the tax audit amounts to euro 3.521.780.
The Company had made a provision for euro 1.409.097,68 for previous financial years not audited by the Tax Authorities. The remaining amount of euro 2.112.682,32 will burden 2009 profit and loss statements.
Company's statements for the audited periods, regarding the remaining tax audits were found accurate.