Sale of Shares Derived from the Outstanding Fractional Shares that resulted from the Capital Increase of The Bank of Greece

The Bank of Greece announces the following:
In accordance with the legislation in force, in particular the provisions of decision No. 13/375/17 March 2006 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, its Directorate of Research, Certification and Information Systems, by decision No. 17/30 March 2009 of the Director, appointed ALPHA FINANCE INVESTMENT SERVICES S.A. as the member of the Athens Exchange responsible for selling 1,678 shares of the Bank of Greece derived from the outstanding fractional shares that resulted from the latest increase in the Bank's capital (Cabinet Act 8/10 June 2008, Government Gazette A 107/11 June 2008).
The sale has been scheduled to be held on Thursday 16 April 2009.
The sale shall be conducted in accordance with para. 2.3.6 of the Regulation of the Athens Exchange. The opening price may not be lower than the closing price of the Bank's share for the trading day immediately prior to the sale.
The said member of the Athens Exchange shall inform on the same day the Bank of Greece, Hellenic Exchanges S.A. and the Hellenic Capital Market Commission about the result of the sale.
The net proceeds from the sale will be deposited with the Deposits and Loans Fund in favour of the beneficiaries on a pro rata basis.
After the completion of the sale of the said shares, the Bank of Greece will inform the beneficiaries by further announcement and personal letters about the result of the sale, as well as about the procedure that the beneficiaries will have to follow, including the documentation to be submitted, in order to collect the proceeds they are entitled to from the Deposits and Loans Fund.
For further information or clarifications, please contact the Bank of Greece, Secretariat Section, Shares Service, 21 El. Venizelou Avenue, 102 50 Athens, Tel: (+30) 210-3202051, 210-3202064, 210-3203288, Fax: (+30) 210-3202844, email: