On 22/05/2009, 12p.m. took place in the offices (Industrial area of Serres), the Regular General Meeting of company's Dromeas SA Shareholders. Concretely there were 4 Shareholders, holders of total 26.802.440 common shares of Company, representing 77.196% (rate of quorum) of the total Share Capital. According to the articles of 278 Regulation of Athens Stock Exchange, the Company informs, that at the above-mentioned General meeting Shareholders, were discussed and received decisions, with regard to the below subjects:
1. The attending shareholders, with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196%, shareholders of 26.802.440 shares of Company, decided unanimously, the approval of the annual Financial statements (Company and Group), as well as the administrative report of the board of Directors and the report of the auditor. Regarding the final outcome of the use of 2008, it was decided that no dividends would be distributed, only the forming of the legal reserve fund.
2. After the approval of annual financial statements (Company and Group), the attending shareholders with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196% and after a vote with a nominal calling, there were shareholders of 26.802.440 Shares, exempted unanimously the members of the Board of Directors and the external Auditors of Company from responsibilities of compensation for the proceedings of the financial year of 1.1.2008 until 31.12.2008.
3. The attending shareholders, with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196 %, shareholders holders of 26.802.440 shares of Company, decided the external audit of the financial year of 2009, will be held from the Audit firm, SOL SA and mr Athanasio D. Tsakli (Reg. Num. SOEL 14951) as a regular? and mr. Dimitrio H. Kousinovali (reg.num. 13591) as a reserve. Furthermore the board of directors was authorized to set the fee of the appointed auditors. Also the present shareholders, of 77,196% of the company shares (in total 26.802.440), have appointed as members of the committee for control of N.3698/2008, Mr. Grigoris Zarotiadis, independent non executive member of the B.D., Mr. Ioanni Pelidis, independent non executive member of the B.D. and Mr. Athanassio Kalafati non executive member of the B.D.
4. The attending shareholders, with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196 %, shareholders of 26.802.440 shares of Company, decided unanimously, according to article 24 of Law 2190/1920, the wages, benefits and compensations of the Board of Directors from 01/01/2008 until 31/12/2008.
5. The attending shareholders, with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196 %, shareholders of 26.802.440 shares of Company, decided unanimously, according to article 24 of Law 2190/1920, the budgeted wages, benefits and compensations of representations that will be granted to the members of the Board of Directors, from 1.1.2009 until 31.12.2009. Also it was decided, according to the article 5 of Law 3016/2002, the determination of compensation of not executive members of Board of Directors on year 2009 for the time that allocate in the meetings of the Board of Directors and for the general achievement of their duties. The Board of Directors was permitted to proceed in the necessary actions.
6. The attending shareholders, with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196%, shareholders of 26.802.440 shares of Company, decided unanimously to draw up a contract of services of total mixed cost of 35.000 Euros, according to the tenets of article no. 23 of KN 2190/1920, as it was modified and is in force.
7. The attending shareholders, with rate of attendance in the Shareholders capital of Company, 77.196 %, shareholders of 26.802.440 shares of Company, decided unanimously, in the approval of the purchase of 5.860 shares of the daughter company KEM SA, based on Lefkonas Prefecture in Serres (Industr. Area of Serres), with a maximum price of 60 Euros per share.