Invitation to the Annual General Meeting

To the Shareholders of the Societe Anonyme with the name
Piraeus Port Authority Societe Anonyme and the distinctive title PPA S.A.
to the Annual General Meeting
In accordance with the Law about the Societes Anonymes, the articles of the Company's Association and following the decision of the Board of Directors (107/25-5-2009), the Shareholders of P.P.A. S.A. are invited, to the Annual General Meeting which will be held on Wednesday, 17 June 2009, at 12:00 at the Central Offices of the Company (Conference room, PPA Headquarters, 10 Akti Miaouli Piraeus) with the following agenda:
1. Approval of the Company's Annual Financial Report for the 9th corporate use (01/01/2008 to 31/12/2008).
2. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from all responsibility for indemnification in relation to the 9th corporate use (1/1/2008-31/12/2008).
3. Approval of the distribution of Profits and dividends for the corporate use from 1/1/2008 to 31/12/2008.
4. Appointment of Auditors, Regular and Surrogate, for the corporate use from 1/1/2009 to 31/12/2009 and determination of their fees.
5. Approval of the remunerations and compensations to the Board of Directors members for the corporate use 2008, according to article 24, paragraph 2 of Law 2190/1920 as it is in effect, and pre-approval for the corporate use 2009.
6. Election of Board of Director members due to the end of term of the existing Board.
7. Election of the independent members of the Board of Directors (art. 7 of the Company's Association).
8. Appointment of the Audit Committee (Law 3693/2008 art. 37).
9. Various announcements.
According to the Law and the articles of Association of the Company, all Shareholders have the right to attend the Meeting either in person or by proxy. Each share gives right to one vote.
In order to participate in the General Meeting, the shareholders must block all or part of their shares through their Operator in the Electronic (Dematerialised) Securities System (D.S.S.) or (if the shares are registered in the Special Account of D.S.S.) through Hellenic Exchanges S.A. (H.E.L.E.X.) and submit to the Company (Investor Relations & Corporate Announcements dpt. tel. 210-4520257 and 210 -4550226, fax 210 4550304), at least five (5) days before the meeting, the relevant Certificate of Blocking of Shares and any representation documents.