Dividend payment
I. KLOUKINAS- I .LAPPAS S.A. announces that the Annual General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders held on 20.05.2009 approved the distribution of dividend amounting to 0,065 euro per share for the financial year 2008. This dividend is subject to 10% withholding tax in accordance with Law 3697/2008 (Government Gazette 194/A), and therefore the net final amount payable shall be 0.0585 euro per share.
As of Monday 25 May 2009, the Company's shares shall be traded ex-dividend in the Athens Exchange. It is also clarified that according to the revised ATHEX Regulation, as of 01.01.2009 corporate actions take place using the record date rule, which replaces the trade date rule. Under the new rule, the beneficiaries of the corporate action (in this case, of the dividend) are the investors registered in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System on the relevant date (record date). Payment of the dividend shall commence on Tuesday 2 June 2009. Consequently, the beneficiaries of the dividend as above are the persons registered in the Company's records in the Dematerialised Securities System on Wednesday 27 May 2009 (record date).
The dividend payment will be effected through National Bank of Greece S.A. (the paying agent) according to the following procedure:
1. Through the Official Users in the Dematerialized Securities System.
2. Through the branches of the paying agent for shareholders who have requested the exemption of their Official User in the Dematerialized Securities System.
3. Shareholders, to whom the dividend cannot be paid through their Official Users for any reason, through the branches of the paying agent.
In cases 2 and 3 above, shareholders can collect their dividend through any branch of the paying agent presenting their Identification Card or Passport and their Dematerialised Securities System data. Payment to a third person is possible only with the presentation to the paying agent of a duly signed authorization letter.
For additional information the shareholders of the company may contact Mr Ioannis Xidis at 210 3340611 and Mr Ilias Dimitriou at 210 3340613 as well as the Shareholders department of the company Mrs Maria Printsiou at 210 48 21 186.
As of Monday 25 May 2009, the Company's shares shall be traded ex-dividend in the Athens Exchange. It is also clarified that according to the revised ATHEX Regulation, as of 01.01.2009 corporate actions take place using the record date rule, which replaces the trade date rule. Under the new rule, the beneficiaries of the corporate action (in this case, of the dividend) are the investors registered in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System on the relevant date (record date). Payment of the dividend shall commence on Tuesday 2 June 2009. Consequently, the beneficiaries of the dividend as above are the persons registered in the Company's records in the Dematerialised Securities System on Wednesday 27 May 2009 (record date).
The dividend payment will be effected through National Bank of Greece S.A. (the paying agent) according to the following procedure:
1. Through the Official Users in the Dematerialized Securities System.
2. Through the branches of the paying agent for shareholders who have requested the exemption of their Official User in the Dematerialized Securities System.
3. Shareholders, to whom the dividend cannot be paid through their Official Users for any reason, through the branches of the paying agent.
In cases 2 and 3 above, shareholders can collect their dividend through any branch of the paying agent presenting their Identification Card or Passport and their Dematerialised Securities System data. Payment to a third person is possible only with the presentation to the paying agent of a duly signed authorization letter.
For additional information the shareholders of the company may contact Mr Ioannis Xidis at 210 3340611 and Mr Ilias Dimitriou at 210 3340613 as well as the Shareholders department of the company Mrs Maria Printsiou at 210 48 21 186.