ALPHA ETF FTSE Athex 20 Domestic Equities Fund -Return of capital with reinvestment into shares of the ETF Mutual Fund
ALPHA ASSET MANAGEMENT A.E.D.A.K. announces a capital return through reinvestment into shares of the ETF, for all shareholders of record as of June 30 2009. The amount of capital to be returned and the value per share will be calculated at the end-of-day of June 30, 2009. As of July 1st 2009, the ETF's shares will trade in the Athens Exchange at a price reduced by the amount of capital returned and without the right to that capital return. The reinvestment of capital will be completed on July 6, 2009 and the number of new shares will be calculated based on the ETFS's closing price (NAV) as of that date. Any fractional shares will be returned to shareholders in cash. The fund's new shares will be listed in the Athens Exchange on July 7, 2009 at which point, shareholders will be credited with the additional shares.
Starting July 9, 2009, the cash can be paid to shareholders through Alpha Bank in the following ways:
1. Through the operators of the Greek Dematerialized Securities System (DSS/SAT), provided they have been authorized by the shareholder to receive such payment.
2. Through Alpha Bank branches for those shareholders that have not authorized their DSS/SAT operators, or for those shareholders keeping a special account in the Athens Exchange. Shareholders may collect the money from Alpha Bank branches by presenting an identification card along with a copy of their DSS/SAT record. A payment to a third person will require the presentation of a letter of delegation with all the required personal information of both the shareholder and the authorized person (name, surname, identification card number, tax identification number). The letter of delegation must have a signature authenticated by a Greek police station or other relevant authority.
For any additional information shareholders may contact Alpha Asset Management Α.Ε.D.Α.Κ. at the telephone numbers (210) 326 2970 -73 -74 -77 -78.
Starting July 9, 2009, the cash can be paid to shareholders through Alpha Bank in the following ways:
1. Through the operators of the Greek Dematerialized Securities System (DSS/SAT), provided they have been authorized by the shareholder to receive such payment.
2. Through Alpha Bank branches for those shareholders that have not authorized their DSS/SAT operators, or for those shareholders keeping a special account in the Athens Exchange. Shareholders may collect the money from Alpha Bank branches by presenting an identification card along with a copy of their DSS/SAT record. A payment to a third person will require the presentation of a letter of delegation with all the required personal information of both the shareholder and the authorized person (name, surname, identification card number, tax identification number). The letter of delegation must have a signature authenticated by a Greek police station or other relevant authority.
For any additional information shareholders may contact Alpha Asset Management Α.Ε.D.Α.Κ. at the telephone numbers (210) 326 2970 -73 -74 -77 -78.