Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association

At the First Repeated General Meeting of the company's shareholders which was held on 17.12.2008, at 16:00, at the company's headquarters at Cyprus street 9 and Idras of Mochato, Attica, attended in conformity with the law either in person or by proxy 65 shareholders, representing 32.352.177 common shares of the total 60.617.358 common shares, equal to the percentage 53.37% of the Company's paid-up share capital. Regarding the only item of the agenda, approved unanimously the amendment of the Company's Articles of Association, addition of the articles 33a,34,35,36,38 and 39 amendment of the articles 5 par B', 6,7,9,11,13,14,15,21,22,23,24,27,32 and 33 in order to adjust them to the provisions of the Law 3604/2007, which has reformed the Law 2190/1920 and forming the Articles of Association into a single text.