
The company by the name of SATO S.A. OFFICE AND HOUSEWARE SUPPLIES ¨SATO S.A.¨, announces that according to art.1§5 of P.D. 82/1996, as currently being valid, plans to participate -either independently or in a joint venture- in the procedures of public tenders run by the state, as legally defined in article 2 of the law 3310/2005, for the amount of one million euros (1.000.000) and over, and is thus subject to Law 3310/2005 article 8, as currently being valid. Specifically, it intends to take part amongst others, in an open tender for the ¨Supply of various metal furniture¨ as conducted by the Ministry of Development for the needs of the Health care Units of IKA (no 150/2008). The total budget of the tender is 1.300.000 Euros and will be conducted on the 25th of February 2009. SATO S.A. will participate in tender s repetitions in case of cancellation or postponement.
SATO s shareholders who are Societes Anonymes are reminded of their obligation to convert their shares to registered, according to art. 1§3 of the p.d. 82/1996 in combination with article 8 of the Law 3310/2005 as legally applies.
The penalties, in case of non compliance with the above obligation, include privation of the shareholder s representation and voting rights in the company s General Meetings as well as its pecuniary rights connected to their shareholder status.
For any further information, the shareholders may contact Sato s shareholders information department, on the tel. no +30 210 8767274, Mrs A. Parisi.