Announcement on INTRAKAT share capital as per Law 3556/2007.
INTRAKAT, according to articles 9, par. 5 and 21 of Law 3556/30.04.2007 and in conjunction with decision 1/434/03.07.2007 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission Board of Directors, announces to the investing public, that, following:
(a) the completion of the Company's share capital increase, according to the decision of the shareholders annual general assembly of 23.06.2008, by euro 8.749,125, and
(b) the subsequent commencement of share trading on 13/10/2008 of the resulting 29.163.750 new Common Registered shares,INTRAKAT's deposited share capital now amounts to euro 23.331.000 and the total voting rights amount to 77.770.000, corresponding to an equal number of Common Registered shares, of nominal value euro 0,30 each.
(a) the completion of the Company's share capital increase, according to the decision of the shareholders annual general assembly of 23.06.2008, by euro 8.749,125, and
(b) the subsequent commencement of share trading on 13/10/2008 of the resulting 29.163.750 new Common Registered shares,INTRAKAT's deposited share capital now amounts to euro 23.331.000 and the total voting rights amount to 77.770.000, corresponding to an equal number of Common Registered shares, of nominal value euro 0,30 each.