In accordance with the Law and the Company's Articles of Association, the Board of Directors invites the shareholders of the "JUMBO SA" to discuss and adopt resolutions on the agenda:
Of the Regular Annual General Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, December third (3rd) 2008, at 16:00 at the company's offices in 9, Kyprou & Hydras street, in Moschato, Attica,
If the quorum as required by the law, for all or for a number of subjects of the agenda, can not be established the Board of Directors hereby invites the shareholders to a 1st Repeated General Meeting, on Wednesday, December 17th, 2008, at 16:00 at the company's offices in 9, Kyprou & Hydras street, in Moschato, Attica,
If the quorum as required by the law, for all or for a number of subjects of the agenda, can not be established at the 1st Repeated General Meeting the Board of Directors hereby invites the shareholders to a 2nd Repeated General Meeting, on Tuesday, December 30th, 2008, at 16:00 at the company's offices in 9, Kyprou & Hydras street, in Moschato, Attica,
It is noted that for the above Repeated General Meeting there will not be any further invitation.
1. Submission for approval of the Annual Consolidated and Company Financial Statements of the fiscal period from 01.07.2007 to 30.06.2008, established in compliance with the International Accounting Standards. Submission for approval of the Consolidated Board of Director's Management Report, the Explanatory Report of the Board of Directors according to the articles 11a of the Law 3371/2005 and the article 4 of the Law 3556/2007, the Notes on the Financial Statements and the relevant Audit Report of the chartered accountant.
2. Submission for approval of the Profits Distribution of the closing fiscal period from 01.07.2007 to 30.06.2008 and decision on the way and time of their distribution.
3. Release of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Auditor's of the Company of any liability for compensation for their activity during the fiscal year from 01.07.2007 to 30.06.2008.
4. Election of a Regular and a Substitute Auditors for the financial year from 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2009 and determination of their fees.
5. Final approval of the Board of Directors fees for the fiscal period from 01.07.2007 to 30.06.2008.
6. Preliminary approval of the Board of Directors fees for the fiscal period from 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2009.
7. Share Capital Increase at the amount of ? 84.864.301,20 with the capitalisation of extraordinary reserves, a) of previous financial years extraordinary reserves, amount of ? 54.555.622,20 and b) part of the extraordinary reserve of the fiscal year 2007/2008 amount of ? 30.308.679 which is included to the account "retained earnings" of the published Financial Results according to IFRS . The Share Capital increase will be accomplished with the issuance of 60.617.358 new bonus shares, of nominal value ? 1.40 each. Amendment of the Company's Article of Association (article 5 par A') regarding the share capital.
8. Decision of the Shareholder's General Meeting regarding the distribution of information by the Company to the Shareholders through electronic media (article 18 of the Law 3556/2007).
9. Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association, addition of the article 33a, amendment of the articles 5 par B', 6,11,13,14,21,22,23,27,32,33,34,35,36,38 and 39 in order to adjust them to the provisions of the Law 3604/2007, which has reformed the Law 2190/1920.
All company shareholders are entitled to attend the Assembly and to vote, in person or through their representative.
Shareholders wishing to participate in the General Meeting must block all or part of the shares in their possession through their operator in the Dematerialised Securities System (S.A.T.), obtaining a share blocking certificate. The shareholders whose shares are in the Special Account must block their shares to the "Hellenic Exchanges" (110 Athinon Ave.), obtaining a share blocking certificate. The shareholders may also deposit their blocking certificates at the Deposits and Loans Fund or to any bank in Greece and to deposit the relevant certificate to the Company's offices.
The share blocking certificates, the deposit receipts along with any representation documents must be deposit to the Company's offices 9, Kyprou and Hydras street, Moschato, Attica (Shareholders Department, Ms Amalia Karamitsoli) at least five (5) days before the date of the Regular General Meeting, i.e. until Thursday 27.11.2008.
In case of the 1st Repeated General Meeting the shareholders must block their shares and deposit the share blocking certificates, the deposit receipts along with any representation documents to the Company's offices at least five (5) days before the date of the 1st Repeated General Meeting, i.e. until Thursday 11.12.2008.
In case of the 2nd Repeated General Meeting the shareholders must block their shares and deposit the share blocking certificates, the deposit receipts along with any representation documents to the Company's offices at least five (5) days before the date of the 2nd Repeated General Meeting, i.e. until Wednesday 24.12.2008.