Announcement for change of upper management executives
Pursuant to the provisions of article 2 par. 2 (e) of the Capital Market Commission's Decision 3/347/12.7.2005, HALCOR S.A. informs the investment community of the following organizational changes:
Mr. Pericles Sapountzis, until recently General Manager of subsidiary Hellenic Cables S.A., is taking over as Halcor S.A. General Manager in replacement of Mr. Menelaos Tassopoulos, who is taking over Managerial position at Group Viohalco with main duties the establishment of new corporate partnerships, the large scale investments and various commercial issues at the group level.
Mr. Pericles Sapountzis, until recently General Manager of subsidiary Hellenic Cables S.A., is taking over as Halcor S.A. General Manager in replacement of Mr. Menelaos Tassopoulos, who is taking over Managerial position at Group Viohalco with main duties the establishment of new corporate partnerships, the large scale investments and various commercial issues at the group level.