Additional information on financial statements
AEGEAN AIRLINES S.A. announces additional information with regards to the published financial data and information for the period 01/01/2008 - 31/3/2008 in compliance with the resolution 6/448/11.10.07 of the Board of Directors of Hellenic Capital Market Commission:
1. Income tax provisions for un-audited tax years amount to 100 thousand euros. The Company has made no provisions for receivables or payables that are contested or under arbitration or any other possible future receivables and payables.
2. The Company does not own treasury shares.
1. Income tax provisions for un-audited tax years amount to 100 thousand euros. The Company has made no provisions for receivables or payables that are contested or under arbitration or any other possible future receivables and payables.
2. The Company does not own treasury shares.