Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting
In accordance with the Companies Law about the Societes Anonymes, the articles of association of the Company and following the decision of the Board of Directors (164/24-6-2008), the Shareholders of P.P.A S.A are invited, to the Extraordinary General Meeting which will be held on Thursday, 17 July 2008, at 12.00 a.m at the Central Offices of the Company (Conference room, PPA Headquarters, 10 Akti Miaouli -Piraeus) with the following agenda:
1. Approval of the modification of the Concession Agreement between the Greek State and P.P.A. SA in enforcement of the third article of the L3654/2008
2. Approval of the result of the International Public Tender for the Concession of the Container's Terminal Piers II & III of P.P.A. SA and the proclamation of the provisional highest bidder as well as grant of authorisation to the Board of Directors to draw up the relative contract.
3. Approval of the modification of P.P.A. SA Articles of Association in order to be harmonised with the provisions of L2190/1920 for Societes Anonymes, as in enforcement after the L3604/2007.
4. Re-election of the Board of Directors members after the modification of the Articles of Association.
5. Various announcements.
According to the Law and the articles of association of the Company, all Shareholders have the right to attend the Meeting either in person or by proxy. Each share gives right to one vote.
To participate in the General Meeting, the Shareholders must block their shares in the Hellenic Exchanges (Central Securities Depository S.A) and ask the issue of the relevant certificate. Hellenic Exchanges S.A in accordance to its Regulations in effect, issues and provides the Company five (5) working days before the Meeting a list with the Shareholders who have the right to attend and the number of shares that they have blocked. The shareholders that have right to attend the General Meeting can be represented with a legally appointed proxy.
The Certificate of blocking of shares, as well as the representation documents of Shareholders should be submitted to the Company (Investor relations and Corporate Announcements dpt , Akti Miaouli 10 - Piraeus, Tel:210-4550226,210-4550227, 210-3523601), at least five (5) working days before the General Meeting.
1. Approval of the modification of the Concession Agreement between the Greek State and P.P.A. SA in enforcement of the third article of the L3654/2008
2. Approval of the result of the International Public Tender for the Concession of the Container's Terminal Piers II & III of P.P.A. SA and the proclamation of the provisional highest bidder as well as grant of authorisation to the Board of Directors to draw up the relative contract.
3. Approval of the modification of P.P.A. SA Articles of Association in order to be harmonised with the provisions of L2190/1920 for Societes Anonymes, as in enforcement after the L3604/2007.
4. Re-election of the Board of Directors members after the modification of the Articles of Association.
5. Various announcements.
According to the Law and the articles of association of the Company, all Shareholders have the right to attend the Meeting either in person or by proxy. Each share gives right to one vote.
To participate in the General Meeting, the Shareholders must block their shares in the Hellenic Exchanges (Central Securities Depository S.A) and ask the issue of the relevant certificate. Hellenic Exchanges S.A in accordance to its Regulations in effect, issues and provides the Company five (5) working days before the Meeting a list with the Shareholders who have the right to attend and the number of shares that they have blocked. The shareholders that have right to attend the General Meeting can be represented with a legally appointed proxy.
The Certificate of blocking of shares, as well as the representation documents of Shareholders should be submitted to the Company (Investor relations and Corporate Announcements dpt , Akti Miaouli 10 - Piraeus, Tel:210-4550226,210-4550227, 210-3523601), at least five (5) working days before the General Meeting.