Notification of constitution of the Company?s new Board of Directors

Thrace Plastics Co S.A. announces that the Annual General Meeting of the Company that took place on Tuesday, June 24, elected the new Board of Directors, due to expiry of the term of office of the current one which will be responsible for the management of the Company until the calling of the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the Company, in 2013. During the first meeting of the Board of Directors, after its election, the Board comprises of the following directors
Stavros Chalioris of Constantinos, President-Non Executive Director
Constantinos Chalioris of Stavros, Vice President & Managing Director Executive Director
Theodosios Kolivas of Antonios, Executive Director
Dimitrios Chrountas of Antonios, Executive Director
Ioannis Apostolakos of George, Independent Non Executive Director
Constantinos Gianniris of Ioannis, Independent Non Executive Director