Announcement for dividend payment

MOTODYNAMICS S.A. announces that the Annual General Meeting of the company?s shareholders held on May 30th, 2008 approved, among others, the dividend payment of 0,42 euro per share for the fiscal year 2007.
Eligible to receive dividend are the shareholders of record on Monday, 02/6/2008, after the closing of the trading session of the ATHEX. As of Tuesday, 03/6/08 the shares of the company are traded ex-dividend. Dividend payment will commence on Tuesday, 10/6/08 until 31/12/2008 and will be processed through EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. as follows:
1. By the Account Operator, with the Dematerialized Securities System, of those shareholders who have authorized their operator to collect dividend payment.
2. By EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. branch network, to those shareholders requesting non collection by their operator or those shareholders whose shares are kept with the Special Account of the Hellenic Exchanges.
3. For any of the shareholders that it will not be possible, for various reasons, to make the crediting via their operators, it will be possible to collect their dividend through the network of EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A.
For collection of dividend through EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. branch network shareholders are required to submit their Identification Card. Payment of dividend to a third person will take place only with the submission of proxy, with full data of shareholders and of the beneficiary (full name, family name, Identification Card number, Tax Registry number) certified by the Authorities.
Following the expiration of six (6) months as of the date of payment (i.e. as of 01/01/2009) dividend will be paid only at the company 's offices, 14th km. National Road Athens-Lamia, 145 64. For any further information shareholders may address the Shareholders Department of MOTODYNAMICS S.A., Ms. Giota Pappa (tel: 210 6293517).