Dividend for Fiscal Year 2007

The Board of Directors of AS Company S.A. inform the shareholders that in accordance with the decision made from the 28/06/2007 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders the dividend for fiscal year 2007 is 0,08 euro per share.
Shareholders with company shares at the end of 30/06/2008 will be entitled to the dividend.
On 01/07/2008 the shares will be traded without the right to the above stated dividend.
Dividend payout will begin on 08/07/2008 by Eurobank Ergasias ΑΕ in the following manner:
1. Based on article 329 of the ASE Charter and article 39 of the Central Securities Depository.
2. Throughout the branch offices of EFG Eurobank Ergasias AE for all those shareholders who have asked to be exempt.
For further information please contact Aggeliki Tanakidou at +30 2310 572 000.
All dividends not collected within 5 years will be turned over the Greek Government.