On Friday, June the 6th, 2014 in Thessaloniki Stock Exchange Centre (16-18 Katouni Street) the EYATh SA annual presentation to financial analysts took place. During the presentation operational issues of the company, performance indicators, financial indicators and fundamental figures were analysed by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nikolaos Papadakis. The financial results were presented in detail by the financial adviser EYATh, Mr. Zissis Constantine, specifically:

The results of the year 2013 confirm that EYATh SA continues to be financially robust, with high profitability and significant liquidity.

Particularly, the turnover amounted to 72.3 million euros against 73.8 million in fiscal year 2012 (a decrease of 2.10%). Gross profit amounted to 25.8 million euros, compared with 30.6 million (a decrease of 15.53%). Pretax income was 17.7 million compared to 21.4 million (a decrease of 17.3%). The after-tax profit amounted to 13 million euros versus 17.7 million euros (a decrease of 26.2%). The Company in 2013 showed high liquidity, which reached 53.5 million euros increased by 20.6 million euros.

During the fiscal year, financial obligations from the Local Authorities of 15 million euros were received as well as liabilities to the EYATh Fixed Assets were adjusted after the transfer of infrastructure. Moreover, this period the company was burdened after the deletion of interests and obligations from the Local Authorities - according to legislative adjustments – of 2.5 million euros.

In addition, the first quarter of 2014, according to recent results published, EYATh SA demonstrated increased turnover and gross profit with positive cash flow, in relation to the corresponding period last year.

Specifically, according to the interim financial statements of the first quarter of 2014, the turnover of the Group amounted to 19.2 million euros compared to 18.3 million euros in the corresponding period last year, an increase of 4.96%.

The investment community is informed that the Company's presentation will be available on the website of EYATh (