From EYATh it is announced the following: Pursuant to Article of the Athens Stock Exchange and in accordance with the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of June 30, 2014, a) the dividend for 2013 amounts to 0,120 euros per share, which according to law 4110/2013, subject to withholding tax of 10% and therefore the net payable amount of the dividend will amount to 0,108 euros per share, b) the distribution of untaxed reserves net amount of 0.065 euro per share, according to law 4172/2013 par 11 and c) to return to shareholders of the outstanding balance of funds raised a net amount of EUR 0.10 per share.
Dates for a) ex-dividend, b) distribution of untaxed reserves and c) return of non spent balance of funds raised was set for August 14, 2014. From that date the Company's shares will be traded on the Athens Exchange without the right to receive those sums.
The record date of a) the dividend b) distribution of non spent untaxed reserves and c) the return of non spent balance of funds raised, is the August 19, 2014 for those investors that are in the Registry.
The payment date for a) the dividend b) distribution of untaxed reserves and c) the return of non spent balance of funds raised was set for August 25, 2014 by the paying bank EFG EUROBANK Ergasias as follows:
1. Through the Registry operators, shareholders, those who have authorized for the receipt of dividends their handlers.
2. Through the branch network of the EFG EUROBANK Ergasias, for those shareholders who keep their shares in the special account of the registry or have failed to supply or have withdrawn the authorization to Registry operators.
3. For those shareholders who, for various reasons, can not be credited through their operators will be able to receive the dividend either the shareholders themselves or their duly authorized representatives in EFG EUROBANK Ergasias throughout the branch network of, by producing their identity card or such authority of the beneficiary, as attested to the authenticity of the signature by Public Authority.
Dividends not claimed within five (5) years are declared in favor of theGreekState.
For more information, shareholders may contact the Shareholder Services & Corporate Communications of the Company (tel 2310 286613).