Announcement for the ex-dividend date/ payment date for the corporate use 2013

Piraeus Port Authority S.A. announces that, according to the  Article of the Athens Exchange Regulation and following the decision of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 14 June 2014, the dividend for the financial year 2013 amounts to 0.12eurosper share, which dividend is subject to 10% withholding tax, according to the  Law 4110/2013 and  therefore the net final amount payable will be 0.1080 Euro per share.

Ex-dividend date is Thursday, 17 July 2014. As from that date, the company's shares will be traded at the ASE without a dividend right.

Dividend beneficiaries "Record date" was set for July 21st , 2014 (in accordance with the new ATHEX Regulation, starting on 1.1.2009, corporate actions take place based on "record date". Based on the new rule, beneficiaries of the dividend are those investors who are registered in the DSS on the relevant "record date").

Payment date of the dividend is Friday, 25 July 2014 by EFG EUROBANK Ergasias bank

S.A., as follows:

1. Through the Dematerialised Securities System operators for those shareholders who have authorized their operators for the dividend payment.

2. Through the branch network of EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.Α., for the shareholders who have not authorized a DSS/SAT Operator or have requested an exception from their DSS/SAT Operator .

3. For those shareholders, who, for any reason, cannot be credited through their

operators, dividend payment can be received in person or through their legal

representatives from EFG EUROBANK Ergasias throughout its branch network upon

presenting their identity card or a dully authenticated authorization in case of a proxy.


Dividends not collected within five years are written off in favour of theGreekState.


For additional information, shareholders may contact the company's Investor

Relations Department, (tel. 2104550226, 10 Akti Miaouli st., Piraeus 185 38).