We inform you that the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company took place on the 30/6/2014, with the presence of Shareholders representing 15.042.439 common registered shares on a total of 21.364.000 common registered shares of the Company, i.e. approximately 70,41% and decided unanimously on the items on the agenda as follows:
(1) On the first item on the agenda, the AGM approved the reformed annual financial statements of Lampsa S.A. (company's and consolidated) of the financial year 2012 (1.1.2012-31.12.2012), together with the reports of the Board of Directors and the auditors,
(2) On the second item on the agenda, the AGM approved the annual financial statements (Company's and consolidated) of the financial year 2013 (1.1.2013-31.12.2013), following the submission of the Annual report of the Auditors on the financial statements of 31st of December 2013 (company's and consolidated),
(3) On the third item on the agenda, the AGM released the members of the Board of Directors as well as the auditors from any responsibility on the drafting and audit of the annual financial statements as well as on the management of the company of the financial year 2013
(4) On the forth item on the agenda, the AGM has elected as auditors for the annual and periodic financial statements of the Company for the financial year 2014, the accounting firm GRAND THORNTON S.A. (AMSOEL 127) and has set the remuneration,
(5) On the fifth item on the agenda, the AGM has approved a total amount of 45.000 Euros as fees for the Board of Directors for the year 2013 and has pre approved an amount of 22.224 Euros for the year 2014
(6) On the sixth item on the agenda, the resignation of the member of the Board of Directors Mr. Tichomir Tribounac as well as the decision of the Board of Directors for not replacing him was announced
(7) On the seventh item on the agenda, the AGM decided on transferring to the account retained earnings an amount of 4.527.557,74 that is currently on the balance sheet of the company as tax-exempt reserves,
(8) On the eight item on the agenda, the AGM decided on the amendment of article 3 of the Articles of Association of the Company
(9) On the night item on the agenda, various announcements, no announcement was made.