Decisions of the Shareholders’ Ordinary General Assembly on 25.06.2014

The Ordinary General Assembly of the Company's Shareholders held on 25.06.2014 decided upon all issues of the agenda by quorum of 72,70% (i.e. 5.521.535 shares out of a total of 7.595.160) and by 100% majority (i.e. 5.521.535 shares out of an equal number of attending shares).


1 + 2) The Annual Financial Report for the period 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013 dated 26.3.2014 as well as the relative report by the Auditor were approved. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%).


3) The members of the Board of Directors and the Auditor were released from any liability of compensation arising from the Annual Financial Report as well as the administration and management in general of the period 01.01 - 31.12.2013. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%).  


4) The auditing firm “SOL S.A.” (Reg. N. SOEL 125) was elected as Auditors for the period 01.01 – 31.12.2014. Regular Auditor is Mr. Meletios Siastathis of Dimitrios (Reg. N. SOEL 12181) and substitute Mr. Theodoros Dilaris of Georgios (Reg. N. SOEL 10481). Also the remuneration for fiscal period 2013 of Mr. Dionisios Fakos was approved. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%). 


5) The distribution of profits of the period 2013 and the non – distribution of dividend to the shareholders were approved. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%). 


6) The remuneration and expenses paid to members of the Board of Directors were approved and their relevant future remuneration and expenses were fixed. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%).


7) The new Board of Directors was elected with tenure of five years, which begins on the day of their election and expires with the election of a new Board of Directors from the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders in the first half of 2019. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%). 


The new Board of Directors of the Company is formed as follows:


1. Theofanis Kiriacoulis of Stavros,


2. Spiridon Kiriacoulis of Stavros,


3. Areti Kiriacoulis (spouse of Stavros Kiriacoulis),


4. Aggelos Kopitsas of Athanasios,


5. Hariklia Theodorou of Dimitrios,


6. Nikitas Sotiropoulos of Konstantinos, independent member and


7. Zoe Vassiliou of Dimitrios, independent member.


8) The new Audit Committee of the Company was elected. It is consisted of the non-executive directors of the BoD Areti Kiriacoulis and Aggelos Kopitsas and the independent non-executive director Nikitas Sotiropoulos. The capacity of the members of the Audit Committee as non-executive directors of the BoD is expected to be decided at the next meeting of the new elected Board of Directors regarding their composition. (Votes in favor 100% of attending shares ie 5.521.535 shares of total of 7.595.160 - quorum of 72,70%)


 Alimos 25 June 2014