Announcement concerning the composition of the Board Of Directors

After the Annual shareholders' General Meeting of P.P.A. SA on 14/6/2014, concerning the election of BoD members, due to the end of term of the existing Board, the Board of Directors convened at the same date, elected as President Mr. Yiorgos Anomeritis and decided the appointment of its members as follows:


1.  Anomeritis Yiorgos , representative of shareholders, BoD President & CEO, executive member, Economist.

2. Petroulis Panayiotis, representative of shareholders, Deputy CEO, executive member, Business Consultant.
3. Papadopoulos Yiorgos, representative of shareholders, independent non-executive member, Jurist-Economist.
4. Papaelias Nicolaos, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Lawyer.

5. Zissimopoulos Aggelos, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Economist.

6. Nakis Nicolaos, representative of shareholders, independent non-executive member, Lawyer.

7. Tsiridis Yiorgos, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Mechanical Engineer.
8. Georgiou Basileios, representing the shareholders, non-executive member, Physicist.
9. Moustaki Eirini, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Political Scientist.

10.Argiropoulou Elsa, representative of shareholders, non-executive member, Economist.
11. Georgakopoulos Georgios, representative of employees, non-executive member, Economist.
12. Georgiou Nicolaos, representative of dockworkers, non-executive member.
13. Michaloliakos Vasileios, representative of the municipality of Piraeus, non-executive member, Mayor of Piraeus.