The company “LAMDA DEVELOPMENT HOLDING & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CO. S.A” (hereinafter the “Company”), announces, in accordance with Regulation (EC) no. 809/2004 and Law 3401/2005, as currently in force, that it makes available to investors and shareholders a Prospectus, the content of which was approved by the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission (the “HCMC”) on 19.06.2014, relating to the public offering of shares of the Company to be issued under the Company's share capital increase by payment in cash and with pre-emption right in favor of existing shareholders and to be admitted to trading in the Main Market category of the Hellenic Exchanges-Athens Exchange Holding SA (hereinafter “HELEX”).
In particular, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 29.04.2014 (hereinafter the “Meeting”) resolved, inter alia, on the share capital increase of the Company for the purpose of raising capital up to the amount of Euro 150,000,000 in cash and the issuance of up to 500,000,000 new common registered shares, with voting rights, of nominal value Euro 0.30 each (hereinafter the “New Shares”) and with pre-emption right in favor of existing shareholders in accordance with the relevant provisions of codified law 2190/1920 and of the Company's Articles of Association (hereinafter the “SCI”). Further to this, upon authorization by the Meeting, the Company's Board of Directors at its meeting dated 18.06.2014 set the subscription price of the SCI at Euro 4.25 (hereinafter the “Subscription Price”), which, in accordance with the resolutions of the Meeting, may be higher than the market price of existing common registered shares of the Company as at the cut-off date.
On the basis of the Subscription Price, the nominal amount of the SCI will amount to Euro 10,588,235.10 and will be raised through the issuance of 35,294,117 new common registered shares with voting rights with nominal value €0.30 each. The difference between the nominal amount of the SCI and the total proceeds of the SCI will be credited to the account “Difference from the issuance of shares above par”.
Respectively, the holders of pre-emption right in the SCI, in accordance with those provided for under the resolutions of the Meeting, will be entitled to acquire New Shares at a ratio of 0.794691552779231 New Shares for every 1 existing share. In addition, the Company's Board of Directors at its meeting on 18.06.2014 decided that, if following the exercise or forfeiture of pre-emption rights, there still are unsubscribed New Shares, only the holders of existing shares of the Company, who will be registered in HELEX's Shareholder Registry on the second business day following the cut-off date, as the latter will be determined and announced by the Board of Directors, as well as those who acquired pre-emption rights during the trading period of such rights in HELEX, will be granted an oversubscription right (hereinafter the “Oversubscription Right”) to acquire at the Subscription Price, i.e. at Euro 4.25 per share, a number of unsubscribed shares from the said unsubscribed shares not exceeding 100% of the number of New Shares arising from the exercise of the pre-emption rights that they held as at the cut-off date or that they acquire during the trading period of the pre-emption rights in HELEX, provided that the said persons have exercised in full their pre-emption rights.
Where, following the timely exercise or forfeiture of the pre-emption rights and the Oversubscription Rights, there are still unsubscribed shares, the Company has assigned to the Lead Underwriters, EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. and NBG SECURITIES S.A. and to the Underwriters Alpha Bank and Axia Ventures Group Ltd (the “Underwriters”) to dispose through Private Placement any unsubscribed new shares.
The conditions for the participation in the Private Placement are: as regards qualified investors, as defined in Article 2, paragraph 1(f) of Law 3401/2005, no minimum participation threshold applies, pursuant to article 3 paragraph 2 of the same law, whereas as regards other non qualified investors a minimum of Euro 100,000 is required under Article 3 paragraph 2 (c ) of Law 3401/2005.
Upon completion of the SCI, the Company's share capital will amount in total to Euro 23,911,939.20, divided into 79,706,464 common, dematerialized, registered shares with voting rights, of nominal value of Euro 0.30 each. The total proceeds from the SCI will amount to Euro 149,999,997.25.
The expected timetable of the SCI is as follows:
Event |
Date |
Approval of Prospectus by the Board of Directors of the HCMC |
19.06.2014 |
Approval by HELEX of the admission to trading of the pre-emption rights * |
19.06.2014 |
Publication in the HELEX Daily Official List of the announcement regarding the cut-off date and the period for the exercise and the trading of the pre-emption rights |
19.06.2014 |
Publication of the announcement regarding the availability of the Prospectus |
20.06.2014 |
Publication of the Prospectus (posted on the website of the Company, the HCMC, the HELEX and the Lead Underwriters) |
20.06.2014 |
Last cum-rights date |
20.06.2014 |
Cut-off date – Price adjustment |
23.06.2014 |
Record date |
25.06.2014 |
Crediting by HELEX of the pre-emption rights to the DSS accounts of the beneficiaries |
26.06.2014 |
Commencement of trading and exercise of the pre-emption rights and oversubscription rights |
27.06.2014 |
End of trading of the pre-emption rights |
07.07.2014 |
End of period for exercising the pre-emption rights and the oversubscription rights |
11.07.2014 |
Publication of announcement on the Daily Official List, the HELEX website and the Company's website regarding the subscription percentage of the share capital increase resulting from the exercise of the rights and the way of disposal of any unsubscribed shares |
14.07.2014 |
Approval of the admission to trading of the new shares by HELEX* |
17.07.2014 |
Publication of announcement on the HELEX Daily Official List regarding the commencement date of the trading of the new shares |
17.07.2014 |
Estimated date of commencement of trading of the new shares |
21.07.2014 |
* Conditional upon the meeting of the Board of Directors / the HELEX Market Operation Committee on the above dates.
It should be noted that the above timetable depends on many unforeseeable factors and may be amended. As regards the procedure of the SCI and its timetable, investors will be informed by relevant announcements and publications in the Daily Official List, as provided for under the relevant legislation.
The New Shares will be admitted to trading in the “Main Market” of HELEX. The prior approval of HELEX is required as to the admission to trading of the New Shares.
The Prospectus relating to the SCI, as approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 19.06.2014, is available to investors in electronic form: a) on the websites of the Company (, of HELEX (, of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (,and also on the websites of Advisors and Lead Underwriters EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A. (, and NBG SECURITIES S.A. (, and b) in printed form, free of charge, upon request at the Company's offices at Kifisias Avenue 37A, 15123 Marousi, Tel. 210 74 50 600, at the offices of the Advisors and Lead Underwriters (EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A., Filellinon 10, 10557, Athens and NBG SECURITIES S.A., Michalakopoulou 91, 11528, Athens).
For further information, the shareholders may, at business days and hours, address to the Company's offices at Kifisias Avenue 37A, 15123 Marousi (to Messrs. Alexandros Kokkidis, Treasurer, Investor Relations and Risk Management Director and Vasileios Mpaloumis, Financial Director, Tel. 210 74 50 600).
United States
This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. The securities to which this announcement relates have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "US Securities Act"), and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, absent registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities Act. There will be no public offering of the securities in the United States.
European Economic Area
No public offer or invitation to acquire securities of the Company is being made by or in connection with this announcement.
This document is being distributed to and is only directed at (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) to persons having professional experience in investments and falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”) or (iii) high net worth companies, and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons in (i), (ii) and (iii) above together being referred to as “relevant persons”). Any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire securities will concern only the relevant persons. Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this document or any of its contents.
This announcement does not constitute a prospectus or an advertisement for an offer of securities in Greece and is not an offer, or an invitation to make offers or to purchase or invest in any securities in Greece.
Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains certain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect expected results and are based on certain key assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in any forward-looking statements. Due to these uncertainties and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this announcement. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement, except as required pursuant to applicable law.
Marousi, 20.06.2014