Notification obligation of changes in shareholder capital

DROMEAS SA, announces based on laws 3556/2007(article 3, 21), 3340/2005 (article13), in combination with article 11 of decision 1/434/03/07/2007 of Capital Market Commission, that 1) Mr. Ioannis Papapanagiotou, CEO, sale in the 07/04/2008, 800.000 common shares, nominal value of 669.816 euro, via a fixed price (parcel), with result the total size of his shares and the corresponding rights of votes was altered from 13.379.640 (percentage 38,536 %) in 12.579.640 (percentage 36,23 %) and 2) that Mr Athanassios Papapanagjotou President of the B.o.D. proceeded in the 07/04/2008 in the purchase of the above 800.000 common nominal shares of total value 673.176 euro, via fixed price (parcel), with result the total size of his shares and his corresponding rights of votes was altered from 13.379.900 (percentage 38,536 %) in 14.179.900 (percentage 40,84 %).