Share capital increase as a result of the exercise of rights according to the company's stock option plan.
Autohellas S.A. announces that from Thursday 17th January 2008, 240,000 new shares will be admitted for trading in the Athens Stock Market. The new shares resulted from the resent increase in the company s share capital by 76,800 euro , due to the exercise of the company s stock option plan, by 8 executives, at an issue price of 2 Euro, according to the decision of the annual shareholders meeting on the 22.05.2003 and the decisions of the Board Of Directors on the 10.11.2005 and 12.11.2007.
The above capital share increase, which does not constitude a change on the company s article of association has been certified by the company s Board of Directors on the 20.12.2007 following the decision of the above annual shareholders meeting, has been approval by the ministry of Development and has been registered in the S.A. Register with its announcement under Prot. Number K2 18381 /21.12.2007.
The board of the Athens stock exchange market, commenced on the 10th of January 2008 and approved the admition of the 240,000 common shares for trading in the Athens stock exchange market.
The decision of the board of directors of the Athens Stock market states that the new shares will be available for trade in the Athens stock market on the 17th of January 2008. At this date, the trading price of the company's shares will be calculated according to the regulation of the Athens Stock Market and the new shares will be credited to the dematerialized Securities System number of each beneficiary.
For further information, interested parties may obtain the information circular from the company s offices or download it from the company s website, where it is available since the 7th of January 2008. For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Autohellas s Investor Relations office (Mr Alexis Karamalis, +30 210 6264243).