Announcement according to Law 3556/2007

In line with the regulations of the Article 1, 4 and 9-16 of the L.3556/2007 for «Transparency requirements for information regarding publishers whom securities are for negotiation in an organized market and other schemes?, of the Articles 4-10 of the decision 1/434/3.7.2007 and the circular n.33 ? 3.7.2007 of the Board of the Directors of the Market Committee, the company announces that has received the following notification: Letter of the shareholder VENTURE ABILITY SA, regarding change higher than 3% by purchasing common registered shares of our company. Details are reported: Date of transaction : December 28th , 2007 Category of shares : GRF128003001 Situation before specific transaction Number of shares : 8.784.408 Number of voting rights : 8.784.408 % of voting rights : 41,1178% SUBTOTAL A based on summary of voting rights : Number of shares : 8.784.408 Number of voting rights : 8.784.408 % of voting rights : 41,1178% Situation after specific transaction Number of shares ? Direct : 8.785.893 Number of voting rights ? Direct : 8.785.893 Number of voting rights ? Indirect : 1.762.550 % of voting rights ? Direct : 41,1247% % of voting rights ? Indirect : 8,2500% SUBTOTAL A based on summary of voting rights : Number of shares - Direct : 8.785.893 Number of voting rights - Direct & Indirect: 10.548.443 % of voting rights : 49,3748% Chain of any controlled entities through the voting rights are exercised : Name of controlled entities : . HOMERIC DEPARTMENT STORES S.A. HOLDING COMPANY Situation after specific transaction : Number of voting rights : 1.762.550 % of voting rights : 8,2500% In the above mentioned letter , the following additional information is included : ? After the sign of an agreement between Venture Ability S.A. and Homeric Department Stores S.A. Holding Company on December 28th , 2007 , both companies act jointly for the control of the listed company Lampsa Hellenic Hotels S.A. , based on article 2 of Law 3461/2006 . ?