
Autohellas anonymous tourist and trading company "Autohellas" or "the company", following the announcement on the 15th February 2008 in regards to the decisions of the extraordinary shareholders meeting on the 15th of February 2008. Among other issues, the above meeting has decided to increase the company's share capital by ?47,268,000 by capitalization of reserves from the account "difference from share capital paid in excess of par value" and from the account "earning/losses carried forward" by increasing the par value of each share by one euro and thirty cents (?1.30), as well as decrease the par value of each share by one euro and thirty cents in order to distribute the equal amount to the shareholders, announces that: On the 27th of February 2008, the No k2-2463/27.02.2008 decision of the ministry of Development, has been registered in the Register Of Companies (societes anonymes), under which the respective change in the company?s articles of associations has been approved as a result of the equal in value increase and decrease of the company's share capital. Respectively, the board of directors of the Athens Stock exchange has been notified on its meeting on the 13th of March 2008 regarding the increase and decrease of the company's shares par value. It must be made clear that after the increase and equal decrease of the company?s shares par value, the total share capital will be 11,635,200 Euro divided into 36,360,000 common shares, with par value of thirty two cents (0.32?). As a result of the above, beneficiaries of the company's share capital reduction, will be the shareholders at the end of the Athens Stock exchange session on the 2nd of May 2008. In the next business day (05/05/2008), the company's shares will be negotiating in the Athens Exchange market with a par value of 0.32? per share, with no rights on the share capital return of one euro and thirty cents (1.30?) per share. On the same day (05/05/2008), the company's initial share price will be adjusted according to the decision number 35/24.11.2005 of the board of directors of the Athens stock exchange, as it stands due to the return of share capital to the company's share holders, with an equal reduction on the share price.
It must be made clear that the date on which the right to the company's share capital return ceases to exist and the resulting share price adjustment, is done in accordance to the provisions of article 4 paragraph 4 of law 2190/1920, and after the expiration of the 60 day limit from the publication of the relevant decision of the general shareholders meeting according to article 7b of law2190/1920. The date on which the share capital return will take place is the 13th of May 2008. The cash return will start on the 13/05/2008 and will be made through Alpha Bank. Future announcement will provide additional information on the payment procedure.
For any information please do not hesitate to contact Autohellas's Investor Relations office (Mr Alexis Karamalis, Tel No: +30 210 6264256).