Press Release
The budget of the contracts amounts to 2.23 mil euro (1.94 mil euro for the municipality of Ioannita and 0.29 mil euro for the municipality of Prosotsani), whereas the total length of the optical fiber networks to be constructed will be 28.30 km (24.90 km and 3.40 km respectively).
The contracts provide the supply, installation, commissioning and operational guarantee of the underground infrastructure, the active telecommunication equipment as well as wireless and access network infrastructure.
The construction of the networks is executed within the frame of the "Information Society's Operational Program" and constitutes a leverage for the development and improvement of quality of everyday life in the Greek region, especially in rural areas, with the provision of better and more efficient services in many aspects of public and private activities.
By undertaking these projects Intrakat realizes with consistency its strategic plan for further enhancement of its activity in the specialized sector of telecommunication infrastructures in which the company holds a solid position.