Invitation to the general shareholders'meeting
N. 851/06/B/86/43
According to prevailing legislation (Law 2190/1920), and articles 17&18 of the company s articles of association, and under the decision of the board of directors as of April 23 2008, Autohellas SA invites the company s shareholders in the annual General Shareholders Meeting on Thursday, May the 29th 2008 at 14:00 local time, in Athens, Greece, at Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel, 89-93 Syngrou Avenue, to resolve on the following agenda:
Subject 1: Submission and approval of the annual financial statements (Company and Group) for the fiscal year ending 31/12/2007, the Board of Directors annual Report and the Auditors report.
Subject 2: Release of the board of directors and auditors from any responsibility for claims, for the fiscal year ending 31/12/2007.
Subject 3: Selection of a tactical and substitute certified auditor for the year 2008 and approval of their remuneration.
Subject 4: Approve the proposed dividend.
Subject 5: Approve the compensation paid to the members of the board of directors for the year 2007 and the determination of their compensation for the year 2008.
Subject 6: Amendment of article 2 of the company s articles of association.
Subject 7: Alteration, addition, abolishment and re-numbering of clauses of the articles of associations in order to adjust it to law 2190/1920 as it has been changed by law 3604/2007, and in more detail articles 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,21,22,23,25,28 and 31, and by abolishment of articles 14,16,17,18,19,20,24,26,27,29,30.
Subject 8: Approve the channeling of information through the use of electronic means (article 18 L.3556/2007).
Subject 9: Other issues.
All shareholders who wish to join the aforementioned annual shareholders meeting, either in person, or through a representative, and vote on the above subjects, must , according to legislation, block the total or part of their shares through their Operators (if their shares are registered in the Operators account in the Dematerialized Securities System-DSS) or through the Hellenic Exchanges SA (if their shares are registered in the Special account in the Dematerialized Securities System), and submit the relevant certificate or representation documents during working hours , at the company?s registered offices at 31 Viltanioti str, Kifissia, Attica, at least five (5) days before the shareholders meeting date (up until Friday 23rd of May 2008).
In the event that the necessary for the decision of certain issues and in accordance to current legislation and the company s articles of associations quorum is not present , there will be a repeat shareholders meeting on Monday 9th of June 2008 11:00 o clock, at the company s registered offices (31 Viltanioti str). If again there is no quorum present as required by current legislation, there will be a second repeat shareholders meeting on Thursday, June 19th 2008 at 11:00 in Kifissia, at the company?s registered offices (31 Viltanioti str). In the event of repeat shareholders meetings and for shares that do not remain blocked according to par. 5 of article 42 of the SAT regulation, shareholders that want to attend must present the relevant blocking certificates or in case of representation the relevant documentation, during working hours and days at the company s registered offices up until Tuesday 3rd 2008 for the repeat meeting and up until Friday 13th of June for the second repeat meeting.
Kifisia , April 23 2008
The Board of directors
N. 851/06/B/86/43
According to prevailing legislation (Law 2190/1920), and articles 17&18 of the company s articles of association, and under the decision of the board of directors as of April 23 2008, Autohellas SA invites the company s shareholders in the annual General Shareholders Meeting on Thursday, May the 29th 2008 at 14:00 local time, in Athens, Greece, at Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel, 89-93 Syngrou Avenue, to resolve on the following agenda:
Subject 1: Submission and approval of the annual financial statements (Company and Group) for the fiscal year ending 31/12/2007, the Board of Directors annual Report and the Auditors report.
Subject 2: Release of the board of directors and auditors from any responsibility for claims, for the fiscal year ending 31/12/2007.
Subject 3: Selection of a tactical and substitute certified auditor for the year 2008 and approval of their remuneration.
Subject 4: Approve the proposed dividend.
Subject 5: Approve the compensation paid to the members of the board of directors for the year 2007 and the determination of their compensation for the year 2008.
Subject 6: Amendment of article 2 of the company s articles of association.
Subject 7: Alteration, addition, abolishment and re-numbering of clauses of the articles of associations in order to adjust it to law 2190/1920 as it has been changed by law 3604/2007, and in more detail articles 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,21,22,23,25,28 and 31, and by abolishment of articles 14,16,17,18,19,20,24,26,27,29,30.
Subject 8: Approve the channeling of information through the use of electronic means (article 18 L.3556/2007).
Subject 9: Other issues.
All shareholders who wish to join the aforementioned annual shareholders meeting, either in person, or through a representative, and vote on the above subjects, must , according to legislation, block the total or part of their shares through their Operators (if their shares are registered in the Operators account in the Dematerialized Securities System-DSS) or through the Hellenic Exchanges SA (if their shares are registered in the Special account in the Dematerialized Securities System), and submit the relevant certificate or representation documents during working hours , at the company?s registered offices at 31 Viltanioti str, Kifissia, Attica, at least five (5) days before the shareholders meeting date (up until Friday 23rd of May 2008).
In the event that the necessary for the decision of certain issues and in accordance to current legislation and the company s articles of associations quorum is not present , there will be a repeat shareholders meeting on Monday 9th of June 2008 11:00 o clock, at the company s registered offices (31 Viltanioti str). If again there is no quorum present as required by current legislation, there will be a second repeat shareholders meeting on Thursday, June 19th 2008 at 11:00 in Kifissia, at the company?s registered offices (31 Viltanioti str). In the event of repeat shareholders meetings and for shares that do not remain blocked according to par. 5 of article 42 of the SAT regulation, shareholders that want to attend must present the relevant blocking certificates or in case of representation the relevant documentation, during working hours and days at the company s registered offices up until Tuesday 3rd 2008 for the repeat meeting and up until Friday 13th of June for the second repeat meeting.
Kifisia , April 23 2008
The Board of directors