INTRAKAT recently signed two new steel structure projects of a total estimated value of 3.14 mil euro.

The first contract involves the design, manufacturing, erection and final testing of three moving head terminals and three return head terminals of the conveyor belts of the South-West Field lignite mine for the Greek Public Power Company (PPC). The total value of the project amounts to 2.6 mil euro and the works are expected to be complete in 2008.
With the second contract INTRAKAT undertakes the construction of a steel structure for the Maintenance base shelter for military aircrafts - Offices, stores and laboratories, in the civil airport of Pahi, Megara for the company N. DOUROS-A.M. TAMIOLAKI Inc. The value of the project is 540 thou euro and it will be completed within 2007.
The steel structures for the two projects will be manufactured at INTRAKAT's state of the art steel and electromechanical plant in Larissa, which is considered to be among the most modern in its sector in Europe.
Regarding INTRAKAT
INTRAKAT was founded in 1987 and belongs to INTRACOM HOLDINGS Group of companies. Since 1999, the company holds a 6th degree contractor's license from the Register of Contractor Companies, and as of November 2001 the company listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. In 2005 INTRAKAT merged by absorption with INTRAMET (steel structure company). INTRAKAT has extensive experience and advanced know-how in the fields of constructions of technical projects, steel structure and telecommunication infrastructure projects. Over the past 20 years, the company implements public and private technical projects regarding: building works, infrastructure projects, advanced technology projects and telecommunications infrastructures, industrial and energy projects, E/M installations, steel structures, natural gas distribution projects and environment projects in Greece and abroad. INTRAKAT group employs 578 people.