Comment on Publications
The Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Thessaloniki S.A announces that:
Regarding the printed publications of the 26th and 27th of September 2007 in the printed and electronic press, the following is noted:
1. With regards to the publication referring to comments made by Union members, the company wishes to state that it applies all directives regarding S.A's in its statute.
2. With regards to the publication of the funding of the subsidiary company EYATH SERVICES S.A. by EYATH S.A. through its current five year business plan amounting over 100 mil. Euros, the company states that this is not the case.
3. As to the publication about appointing a temporary BoD of EYATH SERVICES S.A. as well as its subject of works, the company reminds that the Regular General Meeting of EYATH S.A. stockholders of the 29th of June 2007, has decided on the creation of the subsidiaryΕΥΑTH SERVICES S.A. also approving its statute in which the subject of its works is mentioned. According to the statute, the Board of Directors is composed of seven (7) members out of which three (3) members will have to be the occasional Managing Director of EYATH S.A. the occasional General Manager of EYATH S.A and the occasional Financial of EYATH S.A.
During yesterday's meeting of the 26-9-2007, Mr. Papamimikos Andreas, Mr. Theotokis Kleovoulos, Mr. Eminoglou Christodoulos & Mrs. Kamalaki Eva were appointed as members of the subsidiary's temporary BoD.
4. As to the publication regarding a decision for an increase in capital stock the company informs that the BoD has decided on the Increase of capital stock due to the capitalization of non distributed funds, with the introduction of free stocks. The given decision is to be approved by the next Regular Meeting.