Shares buy-back

GEK S.A. informs the investors that, in compliance with article 4 par. 4 of the Regulation no. 2273/2003 of the Commission of the European Communities and according to article 16 par. 5 of the Codified Law 2190/1920, as amended and currently in force, as well as by virtue of the Decision of the Regular General Assembly of its Shareholders dated 27.06.2007 and the Decision of the Board of Directors dated 28.06.2007, proceeded on November 19, 2007 through the member of the A.S.E. PRAXIS INTERNATIONAL S.A., with the purchase of 6.000 GEK's shares as at an average price of 12,0533 euros per share and at with a total transaction value of 72.320,00 euros.