
KLOUKINAS-LAPPAS SA announces that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on May 17th 2007, decided a Share Capital increase of Euro 1,237,514.40 through the capitalization of reserves and the issue of 4,125,048 ordinary shares with a nominal value 0.30 Euro per share. The shares will be distributed on the following terms: 2 new bonus shares for every 10 old shares.
The company's Share Capital will increase to Euro 7,425,086.40 and will be divided to 24,750,288 ordinary shares with a nominal value of Euro 0.30 per share.
The Athens Stock Exchange Authorities approved the trading debut of the new bonus shares as of 27 June. Entitled to the bonus shares will be holders as at the market's close on June 19. The shares will trade ex-bonus right on June 20.