Peyment of dividend for thw Fiscal year 2006
The PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. announces that, in accordance with the decision of the 5th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 15, 2007, the dividend for the fiscal year 2006 amounts to Euro 0.16 (sixteen cents) per share. Shareholders on record at the end of the Athens Stock Exchange's trading session on June 26, 2007 are entitled to such dividend. As of June 27, 2007 the shares of the Corporation will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange ex dividend for the fiscal year 2006 profits. Payment of the dividend is to commence on July 4, 2007 by the Eurobank EFG Bank according to the procedure provided by the Athens Exchange and Central Securities Depositary rules, through the authorized operators of beneficiaries shareholders' Account at the Dematerialised Security System (D.S.S.). In case you have requested exception from your D.S.S. operator or the Central Securities Depositary or your shares are kept by the Central Securities Depository, the dividend will be paid via the branch network of the Eurobank EFG, upon presentation in person of the identity card as well as a printout of the Account at the D.S.S. For further information, shareholders may contact the Corporation's Shareholders Relations Office (tel. +30-210-5230951) or the Eurobank EFG Bank, Athens (tel. +30-210-3523442).