Subject: liquidation of the undisposed fractional balances that resulted from the merger by absorption of fitco s.a. from halkor s.a.

HALCOR S.A. announces that according to the decision No. 209/12.04.2007 of the General Manager of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, EUROBANK Securities has been appointed as the competent member of the ATHEX for performing the liquidation of 532 shares of our company which are undisposed fractional balances that resulted from the merger by absorption of FITCO S.A. (Date of General Shareholder''s Meeting approval: 15/06/2006).
The liquidation of the shares will be performed on Wednesday, May 2, 2007, pursuant to article 99 of the ATHEX Regulation.
The starting price for the liquidation of shares cannot be more than 2% lower than the previous closing price right before the liquidation.
The result of the liquidation shall be deposited to the Deposits and Loans Fund where the Shareholders that are eligible to collect their rights will proceed. The result of the liquidation, the commencement of payment and the supporting documents that each Shareholder should deposit in the Deposits and Loans Fund, will become known with a new announcement of the Company.