Reply to HCMC Letter
Following a question from the Capital Markets Commission through its letter dated 17.07.2007/2963 and in accordance with article 2 par.3 decision 3/347/2005 of the Capital Markets Commission, the Company answers the following regarding its participation in the consortium Nanum Lotto, which was declared the winner in the international tender for the exclusive license to operate and manage lottery games in South Korea:
The Nanum Lotto consortium, in which INTRALOT participates, after being declared the winner of the above mentioned tender is in the process of negotiations to sign the relative contract regarding the project. For this reason, the Company (according to article 4 decision 3/347/2005 of the Capital Markets Commission) is not in a position to announce additional information regarding the project before the completion of the whole procedure. The Company will be able to provide more details following the signature of the contract and within the context of existing non disclosure provisions between the members of the consortium and the additional relative obligations which will be included in the contract regarding the operation and management of the South Korean lottery games that will be signed between all parties involved.
The Nanum Lotto consortium, in which INTRALOT participates, after being declared the winner of the above mentioned tender is in the process of negotiations to sign the relative contract regarding the project. For this reason, the Company (according to article 4 decision 3/347/2005 of the Capital Markets Commission) is not in a position to announce additional information regarding the project before the completion of the whole procedure. The Company will be able to provide more details following the signature of the contract and within the context of existing non disclosure provisions between the members of the consortium and the additional relative obligations which will be included in the contract regarding the operation and management of the South Korean lottery games that will be signed between all parties involved.