
We would like to inform our shareholders that according to the Greek Capital Market Commission's decision #30/430/06.06.2007, the total of 3.689 registered shares remaining in paper form will be forcedly sold on the Athens Stock Exchange on Monday, June 25,2007 (through the process outlined in article 99A of Athens Stock Exchange Regulation and Greek Capital Market Commission decision #1/380/04.05.2006). The sale will be conducted via the Athens Stock Exchange's member PRAXIS INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES S.A. The outcome of the forced sale will be announced to the shareholders and the market authorities through the means and the procedure outlined in pertinent legislation (Law 3371/2005, article 18). Proceeds from the sale will be deposited in the Deposits and Loans Fund in favour of the total of the entitled Shareholders. For further information, please contact the Company's Shareholders' Department at +30-210-6968427.