Comments on Publication
In relation to the publication dated 3.7.2007 of the web site entitled "A matter of credibility is raised from the reply to euro2day", the Company wishes to inform on the following:
The reported under page 60 of the notes of the financial statements of Turkcell case, relates to a past and already notified to the investors recourse of the company Reklam Departmani against Spor Toto which neither relates to the new contract between Inteltek and Spor Toto dated 15.3.2007, nor affects its execution. This case has been announced in the notes of the financial statements of both Turkcell and Intralot repeatedly (under item "g" in the financial statements of Intralot dated 31 March 2007).
Therefore, the above publication is false having the obvious purpose to mislead the investors and to damage the Company.