World Bank Group Presentation and Closing Bell Ceremony

  Athens, 13th November 2015


World Bank Group Presentation and Closing Bell Ceremony

A closing bell ceremony, followed by a presentation by the World Bank Group's Executives took place yesterday, at the Athens Exchange Group headquarters on the occasion of the World Bank Group's delegation visit to Athens.

During the presentation titled "World Bank Group: Tools and solutions for the enhancement of the entrepreneurship in Greece - The contribution to the development", Mr. Patrizio Pagano, Executive Director of the World Bank Group , Mr. Dimitris Tsitsiragos, Vice President of the International Finance Corporation and Mr. Dirk Reinerman, Program Manager for Southern Europe of the World Bank,  described the tools that the Group offers, emphasizing primarily on knowledge transfer and provision of expertise,  aiming to the adoption and implementation of the essential reforms that can support the creation of the necessary conditions for the attraction of private investment and private equity. 
Executive Director Patrizio Pagano, who represents Greece at The World Bank Group Board, said: "We are here because we would like to further develop our partnership with Greece to help the country address its challenges, realize its potential and get back to a path of growth. IBRD is providing technical assistance to the government in areas of competitiveness and growth as well as social protection. Additionally, our Board has endorsed a decision for IFC to reengage in Greece on a selective and temporary basis with the objective of restoring investor confidence and acting as a catalyst to mobilize other investors in the private sector.
IFC Vice President Dimitris Tsitsiragos: "IFC is considering to support the recapitalization of the systemic Greek banks. Providing liquidity and partnering with Greece's financial sector fits well with our main objective in reengaging in the country, which is to provide other investors the comfort to invest alongside with us."
Mr. Socrates Lazaridis, during his short closing speech highlighted: "It is really important that the World Bank Group, is willing to assist with the mobilization of funds towards the Greek market and this can for sure be done through Capital Markets. The Athens Exchange is taking a number of initiatives in order to boost the extroversion of the listed companies and to increase their expansion of activities in the foreign markets". 


From left to rightChristos Papoutsis, Advisor to the Executive Director, World Bank Group, Dimitris Tsitsiragos, Vice President, IFC, Iakovos Georganas, Chairman, Athens Exchange Group, Patrizio Pagano, Executive Director, World Bank Group, Socrates Lazaridis, CEO,  Athens Exchange Group, Dirk Reinerman, Program Manager, Southern Europe, World Bank, Andrea Engel, Senior Country Officer, IFC, Basak Ukgen, Communications Officer.
From left to rightDirk Reinerman, Program Manager, Southern Europe, World Bank, Dimitris Tsitsiragos, Vice President, IFC, Patrizio Pagano, Executive Director, World Bank Group.
From left to right Dirk Reinerman, Program Manager, Southern Europe, World Bank, Dimitris Tsitsiragos, Vice President, IFC, Patrizio Pagano, Executive Director, World Bank Group.