Update on Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2005
We wish to inform that, a new Joint Ministerial Decision, regarding the required elements that the annual financial statements for the fiscal year 2005 should include, has been issued. According to this decision, we have to add a line in the Balance Sheet after the "Minority interests in subsidiaries" presenting "Total equity including minority interests". Therefore, the addition is as follows: (in thousand Euro)
Total Equity of company's shareholders - 31/12/2005: 389.080. 31/12/2004: 372.804.
Minority interests in subsidiaries - 31/12/2005: 102.726. 31/12/2004: 94.084.
Total equity - 31/12/2005: 491.806. 31/12/2004: 466.888.
Apart from this addition in presentation, no other change has been effected.