Two major changes in the corporate management structure.
Effective March 1st 2005, Mr. Nikos Kefalas, the General Manager of Gr. Sarantis S.A. and the Vice President of our Group's Board of Directors will assume the responsibility of the strategic planning operations of the Group and at the same time will be the Head of our Corporate Affairs operations. Mr. George Koletsos currently General Manager of our International Operation will become the General Manager of Gr. Sarantis S.A. replacing Mr. Nikos Kefalas.
Mr. N. Kefalas holds a bachelor degree in Economics from Athens University, and has received his Master in Business Administration from Northeastern University in Boston. He has worked for Johnson & Johnson from 1983 to 1987 and since then has been working in numerous managerial positions within our Group and as a General Manager for the last 3 years.
Mr. G. Koletsos holds a B.Sc. in Economics from University of Athens and a B.Sc. in Physical Education from University of Athens. He earned his M.Sc. in Shipping, Trade and Finance from City University in London with specialization in finance and he has successfully completed the "Advanced Management Program" (AMP 166) from Harvard Business School in Boston, with specialization in general management and business administration. George has started his professional career in the banking sector, and has worked as an Account Officer for Credit Lyonnais and Prime Bank in Athens, before joining Gr. Sarantis S.A. He has joined our Group in 2000 as the General Manager of our Polish subsidiary and led the merge and integration of the acquired Pack Plast Company with Sarantis Poland. Since the beginning of 2003, George had the responsibility of our International Division in the position of the General Manager.
The above changes aim to the acceleration of our Group's current successful strategy, establishing Sarantis Group as one of the most fast growing multinational groups in the consumer goods fields in Eastern Europe, addressing its product portfolio to over 400 million population. At the same time, we will focus on enhancing our Group's profile and communicate our vision to the International financial community in order to establish Gr. Sarantis S.A. as a trustworthy investment opportunity among the small/medium capitalization companies in Europe.