TRASTOR REIC announces appointment of new, non-executive member of Board of Directors.
In accordance with L. 3340/2005, as well as decision number 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, TRASTOR REIC announces that, Mr. Christos Vakis, a non-executive member of the Board of Directors of TRASTOR resigned from his post due to his appointment as a member of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. During the BoD meeting dated 15.11.2011, the resignation of Mr. Christos Vakis was approved and Mr. Georgios Laskaris was unanimously elected, in replacement of the resigned member.
In view of the above, and of the resignation of Mr. Kyriakos Evangelou that was announced on 31/10/2011, the Company's Board of Directors was reincorporated as follows:
Dimitris Georgakopoulos, President of the Board of Directors, Non-Executive.
Sotirios Theodoridis, Vice-president of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Executive Member
Konstantinos Chrysikos, Executive Member
Konstantinos Markazos, Executive Member
Dimitrios Andriopoulos, Executive Member
Konstantinos Vamvakopoulos, Independent Non-Executive Member
Dimitrios Gkoumas, Independent Non-Executive Member
Georgios Laskaris, Non-Executive Member
The Board of Directors would like to welcome Mr. Laskaris, and congratulate Mr. Vakis for his new appointment as well as extend their sincere appreciation for his valuable contribution to the company.