Temporary suspension of trading activity in the Athens Stock Exchange

6 September 2022
Temporary suspension of trading activity in the Athens Stock Exchange

The Athens Stock Exchange Group would like to inform that during today's trading session, a technical issue related to the OASIS trading system led to a malfunction affecting its capacity to support a number of Members' trading applications. To safeguard the market's orderly function, the Athens Stock Exchange has decided to halt trading of stocks until the issue is resolved.

The issue involved the ODL Gateway system, which handles the communication of Members' applications with the trading system and was not possible to restore before the end of the trading session. To ensure the seamless execution of a series of required operations (indicatively: closing prices, clearing and settlement files generation, data vendors update) the Market resumed at 17:20. The closing prices were derived as per the ATHEX Rulebook and relevant Resolutions (Resolution 22). 

Tomorrow's trading session will take place as normal.
ATHEX Group would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by the temporary suspension of trading activity.