Pursuant to the Law and the Company's Articles of Association and following the decision made on 11/03/2015 by the Company's Board of Directors, the Shareholders of the Société Anonyme with the corporate name "PETROS PETROPOULOS SA", registered at 96 Iera Odos, Athens, are invited to a Regular General Meeting on Wednesday 15/04/2015 at 12.00am at theCompany's offices at 96 Iera Odos to discuss and decide on the following items of the Agenda:


1. Submission and approval of theCompany's Financial Statements for fiscal year 1.1.14 - 31.12.14 as well as the relevant reports of the Board of Directors and the Certified Auditor / Accountant.

2.Reaching of a decision regarding the distribution (or non-distribution) of dividends from the profits of said fiscal year.

3. Waiver of all liability of the Directors and the Certified Auditor / Accountant for compensation for said Financial Statements and for the management of fiscal year 2014.
4. Approval of the remuneration already provided and to be provided in the future to the Directors. 
5. Election of one appointed and one substitute Certified Auditor / Accountant for the audits on fiscal year 2015 and setting of their remuneration. 

6.Saleof subsidiary 

7. Authorisation, pursuant to article 23, par. 1 of Codified Law 2190/1920, as in force, to the Directors, General Managers and Managers of theCompanyfor their participation in Boards of Directors or in the management of subsidiaries of or companies affiliated to theCompanyand the Petros Petropoulos Group in general. 

8. Miscellaneous matters and announcements.


Those who appear as shareholders of PETROS PETROPOULOS SA, as at the start of the fifth day prior to the Regular General Meeting (recording date: Friday 10  April 2015), in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System administered by HELLENIC EXCHANGES SA (HELEX), in which theCompany's transferable securities are held, shall be entitled to participate and vote in the Regular General Meeting. Their shareholder status must be proven by a relevant written certificate issued by HELEX or, alternatively, by a direct electronic connection of theCompany with the HELEX records. The relevant written certificate or electronic verification of the shareholder status must be received by theCompany no less than three days prior to the General Meeting. Only those who are shareholders on the above recording date shall be considered by theCompany as entitled to participate and vote in the General Meeting. Any shareholders who have not complied with the provisions of article 28a of Codified Law 2190/1920 shall participate in the Regular General Meeting subject to permission being granted by the Meeting.

It is noted that exercising the rights to participate and vote does not require the binding of shareholder's shares or adherence to another similar procedure which would prevent the shares from being sold or transferred from the recording date to the General Meeting date.

The information and the documents required under article 27, par. 3 of Codified Law 2190/1920, which include the full text of the invitation, the total number of Companyshares and rights, the documents to be submitted at the Meeting, the draft resolution for each item on the Agenda and the representation form, will be available in electronic form on the Company's website and in printed form at theCompany's offices at 96 Iera Odos, Athens. If article 39, par. 2 of Codified Law 2190/1920 (shareholders' minority interests) applies, theCompany will publish a revised Agenda on its website and in print and online media.

 Athens, 11/03/2015

The Board of Directors