Start date of dividend payment on 30.7.2004

The Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Thessaloniki announces that according the decision of the company?s Board of Directors, Messrs shareholders who are beneficiaries of use dividend 2003 have the right to receive the dividend from any of the EFG Eurobank Ergasias bank branches from Friday 30 July 2004 presenting their Identity Card. The dividend of Messrs shareholders, who have chosen the EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS BANK to manage their Values Accounts to the Intangible Securities System, will be deposited in their bank account on Friday 30 July 2004.

For further information, Messrs Shareholders are requested to contact the Service of Shareholders List of the Company situated in Thessaloniki, 98 Tsimiski st. (tel: 2310 286-613 ). Not- collected dividends within five (5) years will be prescribed for the benefit of Greek Public Services.