Special Purpose Compiled Financial Information (SPCFI) for the reporting period 01/01-31/01/2006

Mytilineos Holdings announces that the "Special Purpose Compiled Financial Information" (SPCFI) for the reporting period 01/01-31/01/2006 has been prepared by the management in order to provide supplementary information and analysis in relation to the Group's"?Financial Statements" prepared under IFRS. The full set of the Special Purpose Compiled Financial Information is available on group's website ( The presented, "Special Purpose Compiled Financial Information" (SPCFI) aim at providing a supplementary and additional portrayal of the scope of the Group?s operations and financial substance and should be used always with reference to the "Financial Statements" prepared under IFRS. For more information, the investors may contact Mytilineos' Group Investor Relations Department (Mr. Nikolaos Kontos).