Significant growth on revenues (21,6% - profits (39,3) for the 1st quarter of 2003

Intralot S.A., the leading gaming company in Greece, announces a significant growth on its financial results for the 1st quarter of 2003, prepared in accordance with the Greek GAAP as well as International Accounting Standards (IAS).
According to Greek Gap (GAAP), the consolidated revenues reached euro 92,8 million, a rise of 21,6 % in comparison to euro 76,3 million year-on-year. Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) recorded an increase of 39,3% y.o.y. by reaching euro 27,3 million compared to euro 19,6 million for Q1 2002.
For the parent company, consolidated revenues for the period grew to euro 21,9 million from euro 14,7 million, a 21,6% up on Q1 2002, and EBT increased by 55,2% to euro 12,3 million in comparison to 7,9 million for Q1.

According to International Accounting Standards (IAS), the consolidated revenues reached euro 92,8 million, and the EBT euro 30,6 million.

In Greece, the company's activities had a continuing growth, as the revenues of fixed odds betting games of OPAP that are organized by the Betting Company, reached euro 465,4 million, while the sales of Instant Lottery ‘Xysto' remained at the same levels y.o.y. and reached euro 43,1 million.

Intralot S.A. managed to augment its international activities on the first quarter period by been awarded new agreements and breaking into new markets, such as FYROM and Poland. In FYROM, the company proceeds on the installation of an integrated on-line system of the state lottery organisation «Lotarija na Makedonija» managing games of Lotto, Bettting, Bingo, Instant Lottery and slot machines.
In Poland, following the 10year agreement with the state lottery organization «Polski Monopol Loteryjny», the company is preparing for the start-up of instant lottery games operation, which will commence within 2003.
The financial results of Intralot S.A. reflect its up-growing course as much as its ability to capitalize international markets' prospects. The company expects to strengthen its position in the global market of gaming equipment and services, whereas the start of the new projects within this year will contribute significantly to the increase of its financial results.